Short Fiction
“The Broken Butterfly”, The View from the Edge ed. George Turner (Norstrilia, 1977)
“The Beastie in Man”, (ss) Fear! Dec 1990
“The Girl Who Stole the Current Buns from the Space/Time Kitchen”, (ss) Aurealis #13 1994
“Malcolm and the Intergalactic Slug-suckers”, (ss) The Lottery, ed. Lucy Sussex, Omnibus 1994
“My Sister, Cristeta, Who Is Magic”, (ss) Alien Shores, ed. Peter McNamara & Margaret Winch, Aphelion Publications 1994
And Disregards the Rest (Gollancz 1993)
The Weird Colonial Boy (Gollancz 1994)
Der Quantenfisch ,Tr Jürgen Langowski (Heyne 1996)
Die letzte Vorstellung, Tr Barbara Ostrop (Heyne 1999)
The White Library (PS Publishing 2020)