
for David Bridie
We are shaggy with summer down here
the grass on the drainage is so high
the dog disappears when she bounces at the flies
apart from her tail
if I forget to breathe I believe I might die.
The sow down the road has had pups
old mate in the tree is not on the ups
truth is the spider got to his brain and he died
haven’t seen his mum
if she’s let the place slide I’m on her side.
We’re all going about our business in our little town
walking odd routes and hours till well after sundown
that old manna will go but for now’s wearing a crown
and kids play in the main street in our little town
like they always did like you and me always did.
I know I don’t write as I should
that ragwort to pull and splitting the wood
have to look out for scorpions but the work keeps me well
I hope you’re better
from your page you look well but you never can tell.
We’re all going about our business getting early nights
you all in the west and just us here in our little town.