Inevitably, Aren’t We All?

It’s hardly surprising how much I’m writing about trees. Coming upon our town that’s all you can see. More than in the fields, anyway. Look closer, name them, pick up bits, know the wildlife, smell it in heat of day and after rain. If you’re a dog, scoff a bit of possum dropping. Gaudi designed Sagrada Familia after a forest. We live in our cathedral.

so daft before the event.

In this superstitious heart I know
wood speaks creaking and waving
away lignum bloody sappy no barking
no bottling change to lip to slip it has
practised thick falling by the river
unseen hard crack heard or crackling
over strip we made at once we went to so
one day millennia having trodden they’re
all there big as building after buildings sir
dropt dusty alongside their tidy architects
I’m talking mycelium big and so that far
someday it arrives and bang it’s forests
rushing with the wind to wind to wind
sapling multitudinous crown married
messy sagging just in intensest heat pulse
nodding off a storm or quake strip whisper
shedding chitin choiring or wings thwack
thwack thwacking dawn transparency and dusk
translucence massed syrinxes sawing silence
off at bolus like they do until I am in heart so