Solstice 2017: distracting
It is another year and we are not broken
Rather in the middle still, in the thick
The thicky thick thickly dense
Once which we were struck for
The rattan we still cringe before
A caning struggled not to pass on –
Craft and restrain and laugh.
Where once we were a mess
Today we fold and bless
You’d never get a guess
I’m not one to confess.
We do not demonstrate.
We are not broken and so we do not lie.
Our hearts are full and that is enough.
We indicate in our own way
And proceed.
It is another year and love is still awake
Another moon still passing;
It is another year and we are still listening
To the long ago and far away;
It is another year and we are no longer cold –
Rude as we like still what’s put off arrives –
It’s another year hooray!
I can scarcely bear to look
Stand with fingers on my eyes
No stops for my ears and nothing still
Still beating. Can bear it if we sing.
Another year slips by.